Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't think I will ever be able to understand the hater mentality. Why someone is such a coward that they can't say something to your face, but they can go behind your back and discuss you and your general situation with all your common acquaintances, well I just can't seem to understand this.

So, I came to discover today that someone who I used to think was just generally a unpleasant human-being apparently hated my guts and had only bad things to say about me. I just wish I could point out all her flaws and say 'look, you see you're a terrible unpleasant and altogether nasty person and you just suck!' However, I know in my heart of hearts that I'm better than that.

To you, person who shall remain nameless, I say fuck you and all the other haters out there. If you have a problem with me you should definitely just say it to my face.

Eff you.


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