Thursday, April 29, 2010

Grammatical Fail

Is there something wrong with me when people's misspellings/lack of correct grammar - not typos - annoy the hell out of me. Now, I'm not saying that my grammar is by any means perfect or even anywhere near being perfect necessarily. With that said, being a middle school graduate, I think you should be able to note the difference between 'your' and 'you're' and 'there,' 'their,' and 'they're.' If you don't, you are a dumbass. I get that a lot of people type it without thinking too deeply about it and it slips by in autocorrect because it isn't a spelling error and isn't exactly a major grammatical fail. Typos are acceptable, but clearly spelling out every single word in a sentence correctly and then failing to use the correct form of 'your' is an absolute epic fail.

Go to school. Read a book. Dumbass.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't think I will ever be able to understand the hater mentality. Why someone is such a coward that they can't say something to your face, but they can go behind your back and discuss you and your general situation with all your common acquaintances, well I just can't seem to understand this.

So, I came to discover today that someone who I used to think was just generally a unpleasant human-being apparently hated my guts and had only bad things to say about me. I just wish I could point out all her flaws and say 'look, you see you're a terrible unpleasant and altogether nasty person and you just suck!' However, I know in my heart of hearts that I'm better than that.

To you, person who shall remain nameless, I say fuck you and all the other haters out there. If you have a problem with me you should definitely just say it to my face.

Eff you.


Monday, March 1, 2010

How do I love my cat?

It's really upsetting to see your cat sick. It's really like my baby. I worry about her all day and run home to feed her and play with her. I know I'm behaving like a paranoid parent, but any little change in behavior could potentially be life-threatening and I would devastated if anything should ever come to happen to my cat. I'm rather overprotective, I guess I understand where my parents were coming from when they didn't let me go out by myself and constantly called to see where I was and what I was doing as a child... eh... life... It's a big ol' cycle - it's the course of nature to repeat itself.

So, now I sit at home, worried because I can't take her to the vet - they're closed right now. Eating a TV dinner... sad... =( Feel better, tiny cat.

Now I have to keep an eye out and see if her ear keeps bothering her. Hopefully all will be well, but either ways I will take her to the vet tomorrow, just to make sure everything is well... I love you tiny cat... =)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland Palette - I FOUND IT!

Last night I was tossing and turning thinking about how badly I wanted the new Alice in Wonderland inspired Urban Decay eyeshadow palette. I honestly believe I only wanted it even more so because the Urban Decay website said I couldn't have it! The colors are not new ones, but they have new Alice in Wonderland inspired names. I spent a good hour last night and a half hour this morning looking for a place to purchase this item. I found it on ebay from several sellers trying to capitalize TREMENDOUSLY from the very limited amount of palettes available. Praying on my hopes and dreams, they slowly killed my desire to have this palette, $130?!?! Are you insane?! Absolutely not. I have spent all morning constantly checking my blackberry, making sure I haven't received a new e-mail about it.

If you know anything about me, you'll know that especially when it comes to strange new people, I would almost ALWAYS prefer to communicate via text or e-mail (especially e-mail) rather than in person or on the phone. It's not that I'm anti-social, I just lack some human element that makes me want to have people familiarize themselves with my face and voice (if the possibility exists, I am after a waitress on the weekends - need those people skills and I got 'em). Anyway, this is the reason why I'd much rather turn to yahoo answers or google to find answers to any and all of my questions. However, being that information pertaining to this makeup palette was very limited, I decided to turn to the lovely team at the Lake Grove Sephora. I called them and asked whether or not they had the Urban Decay Alice in Wonderland palette. Their answer?

They most certainly do! They have the palette in stock. When I spoke with this employee she said, "We have it in stock in the back. We haven't put it out on the floor yet, but if you come in and ask for it we will sell it to you."

::Hallelujah plays in my mind::


So there you have it. And shame on all of those on ebay turning over 100% profit on those palettes by making innocent lovers of makeup (like myself) pay you ridiculous amounts of money.

So if you're like me and desperately seeking a place selling the new Alice in Wonderland Urban Decay palette, I suggest you call your local Sephora to find out if they have it in stock, which they PROBABLY DO!

Good luck!